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Execution For Selling Weed

The British man was arrested in the United Arab Emirates for selling weed to undercover cop, and sentenced to death execution.

The unnamed Briton and a Syrian guy were found guilty by the Abu Dhabi Court. The guys tried to sell 20 gram of marijuana for 137$ to undercover cop. After the officer was sure that it was real weed he purchased another 150 gram for 410$, after what to drug sellers were arrested by the Au Dhabi police.

The Briton is facing the death penalty in the United Arab Emirates, though initial court verdicts are typically subject to appeal in the Emirates.

The British Embassy remain in close contact with the arrested man, and trying to do everything that's in their hands, but can't effect the dessicion of the court.

Very rich but conservative country don't like when you beak their rules, so think twice before selling or smoking  cannabis in the United Arab Emirates.

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